Tattoos as Fashion Additive
The word tattoo, a tattoo (tattoo), which today means the image you create with punched skin and ink, resulting from Tahiti word tat(a)u, which means "mark something." The society already knows tattooing for centuries.
In some cultures, tattoos were a sign of social reputation and position of belonging to a social group, which did not necessarily have positive connotations. Members of the aristocracy as criminals, prisoners, and professional love sales are also making tattoos on their bodies. Although tattoos today are becoming simply additive fashion, are still respected art, but for some unacceptable.
Guys would the Tigers, but the girls preferred flowers
According to the master tattoo in one of the studios, people in middle age make most tattooing. For permanent body paint decide more and more young people. Depending on the gender also varies most tattoo designs: "The guys love the Tigers, Scorpio ... while the girls opt for gently motifs such as flowers, butterfly ..."
Tattoos and pain?
According to tattoo master, "piercing" is the most painful for example on the inner side of the hand, where the skin is thin and near bone, but at least on the forearms or shoulder, where most customers opt for tattoos.
Tattoos as Fashion Additive
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